Sunday 30 January 2011

DAY 298

In a certain three-digit number, the digits add to 18. If you add 10 to the number, the sum of the digits is 1. What is the number?



Friday 28 January 2011

DAY 297

1/3 of the candles on your birthday cake are white, 1/6 are black, and 24 are yellow. How old are you?


You're 48. (Half the candles are black and white.)
DAY 296

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 of a number = 480. What is the number?


DAY 295

Using only 4's, can you add to 10,000?


4,444 + 4,444 + 444 + 444 + 44 + 44 + 44 + 44 + 44 + 4 = 10,000
DAY 294

In a tug-of-war, 1 Boy = 1 Girl + 1 Dog. If it's 3 Boys against 2 Girls and 3 Dogs, who would win?


The 3 Boys would win.
3B vs 2G + 3D
Since 1B = 1G + 1D
3G + 3D vs 2G + 3D
DAY 293

111,111,111 X 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

11 X 1.1 = 11 + 1.1

Thursday 6 January 2011

DAY 292
An electrician charges a basic fee plus an hourly rate. For 2 hours of work, he charged $74. For 4 hours of work, he charged $118. What is his basic fee and what is his hourly rate? This problem can be solved without algebra.


His hourly rate is $22/hour and his basic fee is $30.

4 hours + fee - 2 hours + fee = 2 hours
$118 - $74 = $44 (2 hours of work without the fee)
$22 = hourly rate
$74 --- $44 = $30 (basic fee)

Using algebra:
Let x = fee
(74 - x) = 2 hours of work without fee
x + 2(74 - x) = $118

DAY 291

A $1 coin costs $.08 to make and will last 30 years. A $1 bill costs $.04 to make and will last 20 months. Over a 30-year period, how much more will it cost to replace the $1 bill than to produce the coin?



Sunday 2 January 2011

DAY 290
20 vehicles---cars and motorcycles---56 wheels. How many cars, how many motorcycles?


8 cars and 12 motorcycles
Let n = cars ............ 4n + 2(20 - n) = 56
DAY 289


Fred's survey of 72 students found that 3 out of 8 preferred pepperoni pizza and 1 out of 8 preferred mushroom pizza. How many more students preferred pepperoni to mushroom?


18 ........ 1/8 = 9/72 ......... 3/8 = 27/72 ........ 27 - 9 = 18