Saturday 19 May 2012

DAY 397

Six trees stand equally spaced along the side of a straight road. The distance from the first tree to the fourth is 60 feet. What is the distance between the first and last trees?


100 feet 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

DAY 396

Use the number 23 four different times to equal 24.


23 x 23 = 529. This means that 529 divided by 23 = 23. To get a quotient of 24, you would have to add 23 to the dividend. 

So 23 x 23 = 529
529 + 23 = 552
552/23 = 24

Tuesday 1 May 2012

DAY 395

The same letter goes in all three blanks:

_ is 1,000 times _ _ .


m ............ 1 meter (m) = 1,000 millimeters (mm)