Monday 30 January 2012

DAY 381

How can this be true?

1/3 of 12 + 4/5 of 7 = 11


It can be true if you use the letter words for the numbers 12 and 7.

twELve (1/3 of the six letters in TWELVE) + sEVEN (4/5 of the five letters in SEVEN) = ELEVEN

Friday 20 January 2012

DAY 380

x/y = 4/7 and z/y = 3/2, what is x/z ?


8/21 .......... x/y divided by z/y = x/y X y/z = x/z
.................. 4/7 divided by 3/2 = 4/7 X 2/3 = 8/21