Sunday 15 June 2014

DAY 420


A blind man goes to the mall and buys three pairs of red socks and three pairs of white socks. Another blind man is also at the mall, returning the three pairs of red socks and three pairs of white socks that he bought the day before. The two men bump into each other and all the socks are scattered on the floor, but each pair remains held together by a rubber band. The two blind men are able to gather the six pairs of socks together. Without any help, they are quickly able to sort the socks so that each man ends up with the same number and color of socks he started with - six red and six white. There is no indication on the socks as to their color. How do these two blind men do it?


One of the men takes the rubber band off each pair. He keeps one sock for himself and gives the other to the other man. 

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