Sunday 4 October 2009

DAY 166
A man buys a book for $6 and pays with a $10 bill. The clerk doesn't have change, so he goes to the neighboring shop and gets change for the $10. The customer leaves with the book and $4 change. Later the clerk discovers the $10 bill was counterfeit. Naturally, he must repay the $10 to the neighboring storekeeper. How much was lost in the transaction?


$4 and the book

DAY 167
One train leaves New York for Baltimore and travels at 25 mph. At the same time, another train leaves Baltimore for New York and travels along a parallel track at 50 mph. When the two trains meet, which is nearer to New York?


This is a classic trick problem. When the two trains meet, they are the same distance from New York (or anywhere else).

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