Monday 19 October 2009

DAY 196

20 artisans worked for a king making various pieces of gold jewelry. Each piece was supposed to weigh exactly 1 ounce. The king learned that one of the artisans was making his pieces consistently 1/8 oz. less and stealing the difference. The king was able to identify the culprit in only one weighing. How did he do it?


The king took one piece of jewelry from the first workman, two from the second, three from the third, and so on. In total, the king had 1+2+3+4+5.......+20 or 210 pieces. If all were full weight, they would weigh 210 ounces. If the first artisan were cheating, the total weight would be short by 1/8 oz. If the second artisan were cheating, the total weight would be off by 1/4 oz. (2 x 1/8). If the sixth artisan were cheating, it would be off by 3/4 oz. (6 x 1/8), etc. Whatever number multiplied by 1/8 was equal to the shortage in the total weight would be the number of the cheating artisan.

DAY 197
The following addition problem uses each of the digits 1 - 10 once. What else is unusual about this problem?

35/70 + 148/296


The sum is 1...........each term equals 1/2.

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